The Good Things for Young Children Team is dedicated to supporting educators who work with or on behalf of early learners in providing the most appropriately engaging , challenging and child-centered environments for children
The GTFYC Team would love to talk with you about ways to support YOUR work.
Good Things for Young Children Institutes are two full-days of learning, sharing, and thinking critically about practices that support young children as thinkers and learners.
The focus is on how to balance what is known about how young children learn best and the world of education today while building strong relationships with colleagues.
Eva C. Phillips, Amy Scrinzi, Marylee Sease and Lee Messer have each dedicated a career to the teaching of and advocating for young children and early childhood educators. They have collaborated on projects supporting developmentally effective practices for over 15 years including North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development, The NC Guide for the Early Years, the NC K-3 Formative Assessment Process including the NC Kindergarten Entry Assessment and the NC Power of K state position paper on high quality kindergarten programs.
Eva and Amy were co-creators and co-facilitators of The NC Power of K Teacher Leader Initiative. They also co-authored the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Basics of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Kindergartners. They continue to actively support early learning initiatives in NC and other states across the nation. Lee and Marylee taught kindergarten side by side for over 30 years.
Eva, Amy, Lee, and Marylee continue to collaborate, support and provide professional development for a variety of entities including NC school districts, the NAEYC, NC Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC) and the NC Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT).
All four are currently independent educational consultants.